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Eyes Makeup Tips

Having beautiful eyes takes a little effort and some know how on the proper application of quality makeup. Practicing this over time will perfect your ability to create beautiful eye makeup.

Your beautiful eyes are your most expressive feature. Sometimes, just curling the eyelashes is enough to make a very subtle, yet noticeable improvement. On the other hand, if you choose your eyes as the feature you wish to play up, there are ways to make a dramatic change in your face’s appearance. Beautiful eyes can be yours if you learn these eye makeup tips.

Some say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Why not make your eyes look their best? It only takes a few makeup tools and the right colors to bring out the beauty in your eyes.

Eyes Makeup Tips

For small eyes, avoid dark colors when it comes to makeup, is committed to the well-blended lighter shades across the eyelid. Concentrated point of light in the eyelid and delineata the outer half of lower lashes and the whole of the upper edge.

Goggle eye, outlines both the upper lash line as the lower. Also, apply a light shade on the eyelid and a darker top.

Eye together, Makeup with light-colored shadow in the inner part of the eyelid and a darker tone shade the outside. Blend the darkest shade to the temples.

For deep-set eyes, Apply a light shade under the brow and a darker tone in the upper eyelid. With a liner, trace the outline of the whole eyelid and blend.

Drooping eye, you use mostly dark tones must be applied from the outside of the lid towards the end of the eyebrow. Also, remember to keep the liner.

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