The secret lies in the color wheel and choosing colors that are on the other side, ie on the opposite side of the wheel. Choose a color palette for makeup for blue eyes is not always obvious. If we rely on the color wheel, complementary color of blue is the color orange.
Translated in terms of makeup, all shades of bronze, gold, the colors and hues land that beautifully compliment the pink and blue eyes. For the adventurous, it is also possible to wear bright colors. The important thing is to ensure that the color tones compliment the color of your eyes.
To ensure that you choose the color palette, you should take the time to know the hue of the color of his eyes. Are your eyes dark blue, medium blue, light blue or blue-gray?
If your eyes are dark blue
Shades of medium to dark tones through the colors more vivid dark blue eyes are probably the most versatile in terms of colors. Dark shadows placed in the hollow of the lid will help give depth to the eye while the bright colors will look more cheerful. If you love the style to dramatic makeup, a gorgeous Smokey because of shades of gray or shades of purple give depth to your eye.
If however, you are more adventurous you can add bursts of bright colors on the inside of the eye or above the low of the eyelid. If your eyes are dark blue, it is recommended to reserve the use of light colors to create light flashes. If your eyes are a medium blue:
Your palette will be between the colors brighter hues averages. If you're not the type to worry about your makeup you can simply work from a color or shade of pale to medium.
For a look that more depth, you can apply the light color on the entire lid, while reaching the inner corner of the eye and part of the lower eyelid. Thereafter, mix a medium shade that will leave the outer corner of the eye and which is mixed with the pale to half of the eye. To give an appearance of length to the eye you can use your eyeshadow to draw the lower part of the eye.
It is also possible to experiment with bright colors. It is simply to choose those that compliment the color of your eye. Dark colors are not totally avoid, but using these should be moderate. The other use for dark colors would be used to trace the outline of the eye.
If your eyes are blue
If your eyes are light blue, medium colors and bright colors are probably ideal for you. You can either use a single color and apply to the entire lid, or you can use two complementary colors that will mix the center of the eye. Apply the color gold on the lid beginning with the inner corner of the eye. Thereafter, apply the tint of bronze in the outer corner of the eye. Support your makeup brush in the palm of the eyelid when the eye is open and use your shadow to the inside of the eye. Then close the eye and blend both colors so they blend together.
If your eyes are blue, the colors too pale and too dark should be avoided as the main color. Light colors will tend to clear the eye giving the impression of disappearing in your eyes makeup. The colors are too dark will tend to make the eye appear paler than he is. It is therefore advisable to limit the use of dark colors to draw the contours of an eye.
If your eyes are blue-gray
Gray-blue eyes may seem to change color depending on the clothes you wear, sometimes they appear blue, sometimes gray and sometimes even green. You will have the chance to match your makeup to the color of your clothes and your eyes.
The shades of colors in your makeup will therefore be determined by the color that your eye will adopt.
If your eye seems more gray, Smokey dramatic in shades of gray are also appropriate that a Smokey in shades of purple or even blue.
If your eyes appear more green, shades of gold, bronze and even neutrals compliment the color of your eye. Rather, choose the color that will fit with the color of your eye and voila.
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